historische Brücke von Remagen

revised 02/06/30js



The Brücke von Remagen was built during WW I and finished in 1919. It connected the Ahrtalbahn and the main line of the left hand side of the rhine with the right hand side of the rhine.

At the end of WW II the bridge became famous because it was the last rhine bridge not destroyed by the retreating german army and because of this the first rhine crossing of the american forces on March 7th, 1945. It collapsed 10 days later because of structural overload due to the damages.

The bridge head at the remagen side houses a peace museum since 1980. The dams leading to the bridge from the Ahrtalbahn have been removed in steps until about 1991. 

Abb.: track plan of the interconnections of the Ahrtalbahn to both rhine main lines

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